CIFS, a leading premier Institute ensures students competence with not only top class theoretical and in house sessions but also industrial visits. As industrial visits ensure and broaden students’ vital roles & responsibility towards Safety Culture, adaptability in the wok culture and socio-impact in the society. CIFS prepares them to encash Everlasting challenges full of opportunities.
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CIFS, a leading premier Institute ensures students competence with not only top class theoretical and in house sessions but also industrial visits. As industrial visits ensure and broaden students’ vitalroles & responsibilities towardds Safety culture, adaptability in the work culture and social impact in the society. CIFS prepares them to encash Everlasting challenges full of opportunities.
The responsibilities to keep safe for industry and it’s occupants along with their belongings are not a wordly task, it requires qualities as a leader, work ethics of a manager and eager to learn as a child, and decision making ability as a king , moreover CIFS focuses on overall grooming of students. This is achieved by regular workshops, different type of drills, debates, Meetings and counselling sessions. By this goldification process students will become real gems for their respective employers.
In the evaluation of time methods of learning, and teaching has revolutionized completely for more engaging, interactive and understandably practical classroom which focuses on the topics learned deeply and thoroughly and not in study hours. CIFS has achieved an learning milestone through early adopting worldwide recognised and user-friendly online schooling platforms to ensure learning in smarter and efficient way.
RECRUITMENT CELL / PLACEMENT CELL – CIFS has set a benchmark for itself and always eager to supersede year after year. CIFS has an instant placement record (within first 60 days) of 80% placed students as they reach required competency for the job.