The first question of students

What should I choose as a my career?
What 's my dream job?
Which career has an array of scope?
To fulfill all above, I can choose my subjects accordingly in Senior Secondary and prepare
for the dream career. After secondary education, nowadays very fast prospective courses are
emerging in Fire Safety Field also.
So in this article I want to put the focus on Career as Safety Personnel and to make things
easy; we have some questions to answer like-
1. What is safety management?
2. Why should I choose for this career?
3. Career scope as a safety personnel?
4. Am I eligible?
5. Why to prioritize safety; at work place?

1. Safety Management– include the study of factory act 1948 for chapter 3, 4 & 5,
health, safety and welfare respectively, of all the employees, advisory of ILO-
International Labour organization, NSC national safety committee, and some
prominent / specific safety standard OHSAS, AMSA, and some legal and statutory
guidelines NBC National Building Code,NFPA National Fire Protection association

2. As this career involves very high responsibility and accountability it will
challenge you in performing daily duties hence no other day is same, and that make
this career interesting.

3. Career- as a safety personnel is like learning everyday with variable situation
variable challenges and variable scope of growth some designation are Safety co-
ordinator, Safety Supervisor, Risk assessor, fire risk assessor, internal auditor,
external auditor, HAZOP and HIRA assessor.

4. As there are a number of possibility to join and enhance Safety management career with
different courses…if you are 12th pass  you are eligible and if you have chemistry as one of
your subjects it's icing on the cake and courses you can pursue are
Diploma in Fire Safety Management
Diploma in Industrial Safety
Graduation in Fire Engineering
If you are graduate you are eligible for PG Diploma in Fire Safety Management
PG Diploma in Industrial Safety in fire engineering
Certification like IOSH, NEBOSH and some certification of ISO

5. Prioritizing safety at work place not only mitigate adverse impact but also the
forthcoming aspects
Low accident rates,
Higher confidence in task
Low rate of casualties
Low rate of absenteeism
Seamless work environment for employees

And over all company reputation, higher quality standards and so on and so forth
But what's the benefit of mine to choose safety management as career; as I have stated earlier
satisfaction of job comes from ethical, legal, and financial backings.
So, ethical is like when reducing the accident rate at workplace you saved a person from life
long physical impairment, and his family from all the adverse effect that could happen due to
that accident you saved him from.
Talking about legalities involved you are important in the firm not only as a competent
employee but also as a factory act 1948 requirement of a welfare officer, safety officer, or
requirement of some standards, which makes you responsible for all the happenings in job,
and in return gives you a career stability and moving towards financial thing what you will
get, in short "high responsibility comes with higher rewards"